Five facts about post-intensive care syndrome


Five facts about post-intensive care syndrome

There is growing awareness of the long-term effects of emerging from a critical illness with ongoing disability and a recognition that many patients live with post–intensive care syndrome (PICS). 

PICS is characterised by a combination of new or worsening cognitive functional, and psychological issues that persist following discharge from hospital.

The Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) has highlighted key messages from the 5 facts article featured in the August edition of InMotion and produced this infographic.

Click on the image below to access a printable A3 file. 

About the author.

Simone Dafoe APAM is the Principal Physiotherapist ICU and Surgery at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, where she coordinates an ICU peer support group for patients and families, Survive and Thrive. Simone is a member of the APA Cardiorespiratory national group and has a special interest in long-stay ICU patients and patients with tracheostomy. 


This infographic is a Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) initiative supported by FlexEze – partner of the PRF.
