2021–2024 Strategic Plan
The APA’s 2021–2024 strategic plan is designed to evolve and build on the momentum gained from the 2017-2020 plan. It belongs to our members, staff and other key stakeholders of physiotherapy, including consumers. Our aim is to continue to develop and deliver an innovative strategic plan that continues to position the APA firmly as a leader amongst health organisations.
Our purpose is to drive the success and wellbeing of our members and the physiotherapy profession as we strive to be the indispensable source of advocacy leadership connection and support.
Our vision is to ensure that physiotherapy is an essential pillar of our health system and consumers’ first choice for health and wellbeing.
The strategy

The concept of Physio First is the anchor for this plan, with a focus on four strategic pillars that are foundation of all that we do. These include:
- community engagement
- lifelong learning
- professional excellence and
- health sector leadership.
The plan sets the scene on how the APA and our members will influence and educate our key stakeholders as well as the environment in which we operate in, including the health sector as a whole, consumer and political/government landscapes.
At the core of our strategic plan is the physiotherapy profession but most importantly our members.
All of this is supported and enabled by our people, systems and operations.
Download the 2021–2024 strategic plan | 2017 - 2020 strategic plan | 2015 - 2017 strategic plan