APA Golf Day - only 3 teams left (30 August)

man swinging golf club

APA Golf Day - only 3 teams left (30 August)

man swinging golf club

The APA is excited to host its Annual Corporate Golf Day again at the stunning Spring Valley Golf Course, a premium course nestled in Melbourne’s famous sand belt located only thirty-five minutes from the CBD. The event is great for networking, building relationships, mingling with peers from the industry and rewarding staff or customers.

Event details

Date: Friday 30 August 2024
Time: 7.00 am for an 8.00 am tee off
Location: Spring Valley Golf Course 619 Heatherton Rd, Clayton South VIC 3169
Format: Ambrose

RSVP: Friday 19 August 2024

What’s included

  • Light breakfast
  • 18 holes of golf – Ambrose Format
  • Gourmet lunch, beverages and presentations
  • Gift bags and prizes on offer

Sponsorship opportunities

  • 1 x Presenting Partner sponsorship: $5,500.00 (SOLD)
  • 1 x Pin Flag sponsorship: $3,700.00 (SOLD)
  • Team sponsorship: $2,750.00 (only 3 teams left)
  • 1 x Drink Cart sponsorship: $2,300.00 (SOLD)
  • Prize sponsorship: in kind

More information

To know more and get involved, see 2024 Golf Day Prospectus (PDF)

Email: please get in touch with Glenn Lloyd

Register now (PDF)