It’s time to reflect and look ahead

It’s time to reflect and look ahead

It’s time to reflect and look ahead

It’s time to reflect and look ahead

It is difficult to believe that 2019 is drawing to a close. As the year’s end looms, most of us will reflect on the year that was. For our organisation and our profession, it has been a time of reform, change and progress, with many proud achievements along the way.

In the November issue of InMotion, First Word focused on the wider environment we now navigate—the threats to our scope and practice, the policy reform that will shape our future, and the opportunities that lie before us if we are smart in our advocacy and united in our approach.

‘Bold, confident advocacy on behalf of our members will continue into 2020 and beyond.’

We are proud of the many advocacy wins this year. Bold, confident advocacy on behalf of our members will continue into 2020 and beyond. It, like most things, will require your input and engagement to work, and your contributions to the advancement of our profession are always welcome.

We continued to develop and open Career Pathways, and in 2019 welcomed the first titled members in cancer, palliative care and lymphoedema. The pathways towards specialisation have opened in pain, with eight new registrars undertaking the program in 2019.

New pathways to titling and specialisation will be introduced in 2020, giving members the opportunity to pursue depth and breadth of learning in their chosen fields, and be recognised for their achievements along the way. Importantly, 2020 will also give titled members the opportunity to join the Australian College of Physiotherapists, giving the strength of numbers to this important group of members.

Almost 1900 of you attended TRANSFORM 2019, the APA’s flagship conference in Adelaide in October. There are few occasions where the energy, enthusiasm and excellence of our profession is on show quite as vividly as at our conference. It’s a joy to behold, and a privilege to be part of. Not only were our delegates treated to insightful clinical presentations, our keynote speakers showed us the value of thinking outside the square as we transform physiotherapy for the future.

Our first Physio Pitchfest, sponsored by the Physiotherapy Research Foundation, showcased five innovative pitches for concepts designed to improve practice, promote physiotherapy and secure better patient outcomes. We’re proud to practise what we preach, and provide this platform for innovation to be shared, discussed and supported.

Our commitment to reconciliation and Closing the Gap is strong. In 2019 we delivered cultural awareness and cultural safety training for physiotherapists and will begin developing a Cultural Safety Framework. We are proud to partner with AFL SportsReady and provide support to pilot programs that aim to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

From this month, you will be asked once again if you want to continue to be, or to become, a member of the APA. Together our voices are stronger and our ability to influence the world around us more profound. We hope you will say ‘yes’ when the time comes.

Thank you for making the APA part of your 2019. We wish you all a very happy holiday season with your loved ones.

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