Keeping your staff motivated
In theory, it sounds simple, but motivating employees can be one of the toughest challenges practice owners and managers face. Wentworth Advantage provides some easy strategies to keep your employees on the right track.
The most valuable asset for any business is its employees. Without their meaningful contribution, the day-to-day operations of a practice would be seriously limited. If employees are so vital in the running of your practice, it makes sense that the key to setting your business apart is to retain strong-performing employees.
The strongest performing employees are motivated employees—those who feel inspired to put their best foot forward for your business. They understand the business’ goals, the service the business provides, and how their role impacts the organisation overall.
Employees expect a decent salary/wage, a safe working environment and job security. If these base-level needs go unfulfilled, employees are likely to feel a sense of job dissatisfaction. Any strategies designed to motivate employees are unlikely to succeed if the foundations of employment are already on shaky ground.
With those basic needs taken care of, you may still wonder: ‘how do I as a small business owner create strategies that inspire my employees to go above and beyond?’
In addition to creating a safe workplace, also make it an attractive one
This doesn’t need to be an expensive exercise—it can be as simple as placing a few plants around the practice or offering tea/coffee in a breakout area. By creating and maintaining a nice environment in which to work, your employees are likely to feel more satisfied and put in their best effort.
Consider the impact of your behaviour as an employer/manager
By acting in a positive manner, you create a comfortable atmosphere that makes employees feel supported and satisfied, facilitating their productivity.
Trust your employees
While conducting performance reviews on a regular basis is strongly encouraged, avoid making employees feel like they are being watched on a daily basis. By giving them the freedom to breathe and take control of their own work, you are likely to see an increase in productivity and motivation. If you have a strong recruitment process in place, you can be confident that you have the right people in the job, and you don’t need to monitor their movements constantly.
Ask your employees what motivates them
There’s no better way to find the answer to a problem than by going directly to the source. By consulting with your employees, you eliminate the guesswork involved in coming up with motivation strategies, fast tracking the process straight to the implementation stage.
Every employee will have their own wants and needs that propel them to work hard. While this may appear to be the simplest advice, it is also the most important one to leave you with. Why? You want to create a workplace where your employees motivate themselves.
These strategies are not exhaustive, and it may be that some cannot, or will not, be applicable to your particular situation. However, these are strong options to start you on the right path to unlocking your employees’ maximum potential.
Wentworth Advantage operates the HR in Practice workplace relations advisory service for APA Business group members. If you have any questions about this article, contact the HR in Practice service on For more information on the benefits of joining the Business group, email or call 1300 306 622.
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