Recency of practice—what you need to know

Recency of practice—what you need to know

Recency of practice—what you need to know

Recency of practice—what you need to know

Each year as a registered physiotherapist, you are required to meet the recency of practice registration standard. It is not only important to know what this is, but to understand how this standard is maintained in order to meet the requirements for both registration and renewal.

Recency of practice means that a health practitioner has maintained an adequate connection with, and recent practice in, the profession since qualifying for or obtaining their registration.

Recency of practice is considered to contribute to the competence of the physiotherapist to practise in their chosen field of work within their profession.

It also means that a physiotherapist who engages in a particular type of practice is not required to demonstrate recency in areas outside their chosen scope (unless they intend practising in these areas).

To meet the Physiotherapy Board of Australia’s (the Board’s) standard, you must have carried out 450 hours of practice during the three-year period immediately prior to the start of the registration period, or 150 hours in the previous registration year.

The Recency of Practice registration standard does not apply to physiotherapists on the pandemic sub-register. It only applies if they choose to return to the workforce once the pandemic subsides.

When do you need to meet the Recency of practice registration standard? At application (except new graduates), at renewal and at audit.

Each year at renewal you must declare that you meet this, along with other registration standards. This includes practitioners who are applying for new or additional types of registration, such as changing from non-practising to general registration or applying for an endorsement.

You do not need to meet this standard if you are a recent graduate applying for registration for the first time.

Compliance with registration standards is also checked through audits. Audits occur most years and you could be selected at any time. For these reasons you should keep records and evidence of your practice to demonstrate this.

Evidence can include a contract of employment, pay slips, statements from sporting clubs, and position descriptions.

Taking a break from practice

Across your working life you will need to consider the recency of practice standard whenever you take a break from practice.

As a practitioner it is your responsibility to maintain competence because consumers always have the right to expect that physiotherapists practise in a competent and contemporary manner.

When returning to practice the Board may consider additional requirements and may place conditions on registration for a physiotherapist who does not meet the Recency of practice registration standard, including supervision.

Supervised practice, where necessary, will need to adhere to the Supervision guidelines for physiotherapy. The onus is on you as the applicant to provide information to support your application.

Not meeting the requirements does not necessarily mean that you won’t be able to be registered.

The Board will consider each case on its merits and take into account a range of information including: 

  • your registration and practice history

  • length of time away from practice

  • nature and scope of practice prior to your break

  • any continuing professional development or education done, or professional contact maintained, during your break from practice

  • the intended field of practice, including the role and position proposed and any continuing professional development or education proposed in relation to it

  • the level of risk associated with your proposed practice.

What if I don’t meet recency of practice requirements due to COVID-19?

With the restrictions in various jurisdictions and change in practices due to COVID-19, there may be challenges for some practitioners in being able to meet recency of practice.

The Board has published a temporary policy on recency of practice for those renewing their registration.

National Boards will not take action against any practitioner who is renewing their registration who has not been able to meet the recency of practice registration standard due to COVID-19.


There are many resources on the Board’s website to help guide you through the process, including the:

  • Return to practice webinar

  • Recency of practice guideline

  • Recency of practice registration standard

  • Recency of practice FAQ

  • COVID-19 FAQ

>> Click here for more information.

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