References for August 2024
The LGBTQIA+ community at work
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- Safe Work Australia. National return to work survey 2018: summary report. Prepared by the Social Research Centre. September 2018.
New clinical recommendations for whiplash
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- Bandong, A. N., Leaver, A., Mackey, M., Sterling, M., Kelly, J., Ritchie, C., & Rebbeck, T. (2018). Referral to specialist physiotherapists in the management of whiplash associated disorders: perspectives of healthcare practitioners. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 34, 14-26.
- Bandong, A. N., Mackey, M., Leaver, A., Ingram, R., Sterling, M., Ritchie, C., ... & Rebbeck, T. (2019). An interactive website for whiplash management (my whiplash navigator): process evaluation of design and implementation. JMIR formative research, 3(3), e12216.
- Beales D, Boyle E, Fary R, Mikalov A, Saunders B, Coates C, Evans K, Simic M, Sterling M, Bennell K, Rebbeck T. Patient acceptance of care of a novel care pathway for those at risk of poorer outcomes from musculoskeletal pain: a mixed methods study. Submitted Musc Sc and Pract Mar 2024.
- Elphinston, R. A., M. Sterling, J. Kenardy, R. Smeets and N. R. Armfield (2020). “The mechanisms of effect of a physiotherapist-delivered integrated psychological and exercise intervention for acute whiplash-associated disorders: secondary mediation analysis of a randomized controlled trial.” PAIN Reports 5(5): e835.
- Griffin, A., Jagnoor, J., Arora, M., Cameron, I. D., Kifley, A., Sterling, M., ... & Rebbeck, T. (2019). Evidence-based care in high-and low-risk groups following whiplash injury: a multi-centre inception cohort study. BMC health services research, 19, 1-17.
- Kang, K., Evans, K., Simic, M., Ferreira, P., Bandong, A. N., Coates, S., ... & Rebbeck, T. (2022). Impact of an interactive workshop on specialist physiotherapists’ practice when implementing a new clinical care pathway for people with musculoskeletal conditions. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 57, 102466.
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Five facts about discorders of the temporomandibular joint
Read the InMotion article
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Physio winners of 2024 NHMRC grants
Read the InMotion article
- Centre of Research Excellence in the Prevention of Fall-related Injuries, 2022. Falls cost everyone.
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2024. Osteoarthritis.
- Stroke Foundation, 2024. Top 10 facts about stroke.
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