2021 PRF Grant Recipients

The PRF has awarded over $1.8 million in grants since 1990, funding research across a range of areas including respiratory conditions, incontinence, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, knee osteoarthritis and more. Some Seeding Grant recipients have successfully entered into research careers within Australian universities and internationally.
The Physiotherapy Research Foundation is pleased to announce the following grant recipients for 2021;
Sasha Job, Central Queensland University
Seeding Grant
Health professional perspectives on the benefits, barriers, and facilitators of beach-based therapy for individuals with mobility limitations.
This seeding grant is supported by PRF corporate partner Asics.
Dr Luke Perraton, Monash University
Seeding Grant
A novel evidence-based group exercise and education intervention for rotator cuff related shoulder pain: a pilot randomised controlled trial.
This seeding grant is supported by PRF corporate partner WorkSafe Victoria.
Angela Burge, Monash University
Seeding Grant
REPEAT PR – developing a cost-effectiveness model for repeating pulmonary rehabilitation.
Zuzana Perraton, LaTrobe University
Seeding Grant
Progression of hip osteoarthritis symptoms and structure in young adults: a 5-year prospective study.
This seeding grant is supported by PRF corporate partner Pain Away.
Leigh Rushworth, University of South Australia
Seeding Grant
Better management of breathlessness in the ICU (BreatheICU): A staff survey and patient interview study.
Kate Rawnsley, University of Melbourne
Seeding Grant
Agreement of face-to-face versus telehealth delivery of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale.
Amy de Jong, Royal Hobart Hospital
Beryl Haynes Memorial Grant
Development and evaluation of a Tasmanian Bariatric Assessment and Management Plan (BAMP) package.
Cate Andrews, Royal Hobart Hospital
Beryl Haynes Memorial Grant
Transforming Pelvic Pain Education Through Participatory Action Research.
The PRF funds research grants annually, applications for 2022 will open in February.
Please refer to the Research Grants page for more information.
Congratulations to all 2021 recipients.
We look forward to sharing the findings of your research with all members in due course.