2023 Pat Cosh Trust Grant Recipients

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2023 Pat Cosh Trust Grant Recipients

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Congratulations to all of the 2023 Pat Cosh Trust Grant recipients.

The Pat Cosh Trust was established to enable physiotherapists working or residing in Victoria to provide high-quality care to the general public. The Trust's purpose is to improve the education of practitioners and students by initiating and supporting programs that improve their ability to practice and funding research to improve their standard of education.

The Pat Cosh Trust Fund is pleased to announce the following grant recipients for 2023. 

Grant recipient
Grant type
Project title
Grant amount

Casey Peiris, La Trobe University

Strategic Grant

SPaRKLE – Supporting Private practitioners with co-designed Resources and Knowledge to increase student access to high quality Learning Experiences


Catherine Granger, University of Melbourne

Annual Grant

Breathwise: The Lung Cancer Educational Toolkit for Physiotherapists


Paula Harding, Barwon Health

Annual Grant

Development of a career pathway for Physiotherapy Clinical Educators


Ryan McGrath, The University of Melbourne

Annual Grant

Co-design, delivery and evaluation of a blended learning approach to support mental ill-health awareness and literacy in physiotherapy students


Amy Dennett, La Trobe University

Annual Grant

PhysioCaRe: upskilling physiotherapists to deliver Cancer Rehabilitation


Sophie Heywood, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

Annual Grant

UPTIC: Upskilling Physiotherapists in Trauma-Informed Care


Caitlin Farmer, Royal Melbourne Hospital

Annual Grant

Development and implementation of an online acute vestibular learning package



Congratulations to all 2023 recipients.  

We look forward to sharing the findings of your research with all members in due course.