Congratulations to our 2023 PRF Pitchfest winners!

Pitchfest 2023 was again a tight competition, with all six finalists having innovative ideas to address an unmet clinical need, advance practice and improve patient wellbeing. The six 2023 Finalists pitched their ideas to our expert panel at the IGNITE Conference. Gavin Wiliams and Michelle Kahn won the Judges’ Award with their pitch and received $15,000 to support further development of their outstanding idea, 'Spasticity Assessment using a Smartphone'.
The People’s Choice Award was also hotly contested, with Sasha Job taking the prize for her 'U-BEACH. Beach Accessibility Manual Handling Training', winning $5,000 and a half-day mentoring session with VALD Health.
People’s Choice Rising Star Award was awarded to Joanna Morris and Kevin Wernli for 'Matilda. Endometriosis care in your pocket', winning $1,000.
Through the Pitchfest initiative, the PRF seeks to progress brilliant ideas that address unmet clinical needs, advance physiotherapy practice, and lead to adaptation in the workplace.
A special thanks to our sponsor of 2023 PRF Pitchfest VALD Health.