5 facts about palliative care in aged care


5 facts about palliative care in aged care

Dharani Nagarajan, Ciara Wright, James Chirgwin, Stacey Papa, Sally Mathieson and Craig Hagan present five discussion points about the role of palliative care physiotherapy in aged care.

The Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) has highlighted key messages from the 5 facts article featured in the May edition of InMotion and produced this infographic. 

Click on the image below to access a printable A3 file. 


About the authors

Dharani Nagarajan APAM is the physiotherapy manager at Access Health and Community in Melbourne; has worked across the public, private and community sectors for over 22 years; and is the chair of the Victorian branch of the APA Cancer, Palliative Care and Lymphoedema group.

Ciara Wright APAM is a physiotherapist and team leader at BlueCross Community and Residential Services in Melbourne, has experience in both public and private sectors in Australia and the UK, and is secretary of the Victorian branch of the APA Gerontology group.

James Chirgwin APAM is the senior oncology and palliative care physiotherapist at the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane; has worked across public and private hospitals in Queensland, Tasmania and the UK; and is a committee member of the Queensland branch of the APA Cancer, Palliative Care and Lymphoedema group.

Stacey Papa APAM is a senior physiotherapist at Hellenic Community Aged Care in Perth and the vice chair of the Western Australian branch of the APA Gerontology group.

Sally Mathieson APAM is the senior neurological physiotherapist at Access Health and Community, has over five years’ experience in progressive neurology and palliative care at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem and is a committee member of the Victorian branch of the APA Cancer, Palliative Care and Lymphoedema group.

Craig Hagan has a background in exercise physiology and rehabilitation stemming from his professional sporting experience. Craig is in his final year of a physiotherapy master’s degree and works as a physiotherapy assistant in Sydney across aged care, private practice and sports.

This infographic is a Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) initiative supported by FlexEze – partner of the PRF.
