5 facts about physiotherapy and breast cancer


5 facts about persistent post-concussion symptoms


5 Facts about physiotherapy and the paediatric spine


5 Facts about regulating gestational diabetes with physical exercise


The Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) has highlighted key messages from the 5 facts article featured in the September 2024 edition of InMotion.


5 facts about sex and gender disparities in pain


The Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) has highlighted key messages from the 5 facts article featured in the July edition of InMotion and produced this infographic.


5 facts about enhanced recovery after joint replacement


The Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) has highlighted key messages from the 5 facts article featured in the June edition of InMotion and produced this infographic.


5 facts about persistent post-concussion symptoms


The Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) has highlighted key messages from the 5 facts article featured in the April edition of InMotion and produced this infographic.


5 Facts about physiotherapy and sports-related concussion


The Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) has highlighted key messages from the 5 facts article featured in the March edition of InMotion and produced this infographic.


Attention uni students: slouching during class isn’t the problem, sitting still is!


As a uni student, you spend a lot of time sitting down in lectures and in the library. Depending on your degree, you might spend a lot of time sitting and be concerned about your back and neck. But it’s time to bust the myth around having a ‘perfect’ posture and its link to back and neck pain. 


APA Professional Scholarship – Supporting experienced and emerging leaders


Have you sat on the APA Branch Council for at least two years and had experience within an organisation? This scholarship opportunity is for you!

What is the APA Professional Scholarship? 

In support of experienced and new emerging leaders, one scholarship to attend the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Company Directors or Foundations of Directorship course (for the awardee to decide), valued up to approx. $10,000, will be awarded in 2024.