APA Professional Scholarship – Supporting experienced and emerging leaders

Have you dedicated at least two years on the National Advisory Council (NAC) within the past five years and had leadership experience within an organisation? This scholarship opportunity is for you!
What is the APA Professional Scholarship?
In support of experienced and emerging leaders, we will award one scholarship in 2025 valued up to $10,000. The scholarship allows the recipient to choose between the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Company Directors or the Foundations of Directorship course. Please note that the scholarship does not cover the annual AICD membership fee. This initiative is designed to enhance your leadership journey.
- The Company Directors course is designed to help experienced directors, executives and leaders develop a deeper understanding of governance issues and improve their performance.
- The Foundations of Directorship course is designed to help aspiring and new directors learn the fundamentals of the boardroom. The dates for both AICD courses are flexible, and are delivered through both online and offline learning formats.
Who is it for?
To be eligible to apply for this scholarship applicants must:
- have dedicated at least two years’ service (within the past five years) sitting on the NAC
- be a current financial member of the APA at the time of application and during the year of study
- be an experienced or emerging leader within an organisation
- have the ability and desire to contribute as a board member in the future
- commit to commence study in the current year.
How do I apply?
To apply, please provide a written statement that addresses each of the selection criteria outlined above. You will also need to supply the following:
- an outline of the anticipated benefits of completing the AICD program for you, your organisation and/or your community. Include information about your leadership position, your ability and desire to contribute as a board member in the future and commitment to commence study in the following year (maximum of two pages)
- written statements from TWO referees in support of your application. These should comment on your leadership experience and your involvement with the NAC.
Email your completed application by 31 March 2025.