Five facts about physiotherapy and fractured neck of femur


Five facts about physiotherapy and fractured neck of femur

Fractured neck of femur is a common injury, with more than 25,000 older adults hospitalised each year—a figure that is expected to continue to rise.

Emma Blake, Brett Baxter and Thomas Petrie from the Orthopaedics national group present five discussion points about the associated risk factors and management of these fractures.

The Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) has highlighted key messages from the 5 facts article featured in the June edition of InMotion and produced this infographic. Click on the image below to access a printable A3 file. 

About the authors:

Emma Blake APAM, chair of the Orthopaedic national group, is a senior physiotherapist in orthopaedics at Hollywood Private Hospital in Perth.

Brett Baxter APAM has been the clinical team leader in orthopaedic physiotherapy at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, since 2000, specialising in orthopaedic trauma.

Thomas Petrie APAM is the chair of the Queensland Orthopaedic group.

This infographic is a Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) initiative supported by FlexEze – partner of the PRF.
