Integrative Acupuncture Level 1
Currently there are few options for physiotherapists who wish to explore a holistic approach to needle-based therapies. Dry needling courses offer a model that permits pain modulation but none of the systemic benefits acupuncture offers that can improve mood, sleep, inflammation, appetite and digestive function and sense of well-being.
This course is the entry level into Integrative Acupuncture (IA). IA is a palpation-based style of acupuncture that integrates examination of tissue and movement dysfunction found in manual therapies, with meridian examination found in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) practice, particularly in some styles of meridian-style Japanese Acupuncture.
The theoretical constructs of AOM pertinent to physiotherapy are introduced. The course meets with the International Association of Acupuncture and Physical Therapists' (IAAPT) recommendations for foundational courses in acupuncture. It is based on 100 hours of training: 6 days face to face and the rest through self directed learning.
This course gives participants assessment and treatment tools beyond those offered by dry needling only. The Oriental Medicine theory introduced, gives filters that assist to understand underlying tissue and movement dysfunction drivers and how to best address these.
Patients will experience benefits to their well-being such as better sleep, mood and energy levels, because acupuncture aims to address any underlying energetic imbalances.
To review the full timetable and dates for zoom and face-2-face sessions, click here
Learning outcomes
- Have familiarisation with meridian pathways and the correct movement of qi.
- Have familiarisation with key acupuncture points location and application.
- Have familiarisation with AOM's major theoretical contracts and how these are applied to understand pathology, diagnosis and developing treatment principles.
- During the course participants will be expected to follow safety guidelines as outlined by AHPRA and the National Health Guidelines.
- Be familiar with current evidence supporting the use of acupuncture in common musculoskeletal conditions
- Be able to apply acupuncture to improve/restore soft tissue status and movement function.
- Be able to apply the appropriate needle technique for the presenting condition. This includes using the appropriate type, length and gauge of needle.
- During the course participants will be expected to know areas of the body where vulnerable structures may be compromised if acupuncture is applied without proper regard, or when acupuncture is contraindicated.
- This course is available to qualified and AHPRA registered physiotherapists and may be also available to other AHPRA registered practitioners.
- An eagerness to learn, a commitment to engage in the necessary self-directed learning, and a minimum of 12 months clinical experience in your professional field.
- To access the on line components, you will need to join the Australian Society of Acupuncture Physiotherapists for $100 life membership.
- Completion of an approved Dry Needling course. If it has been more than 3 years since completing a Dry Needling course, then it is necessary to do the ADNG safety module as a refresher.
Katherine Kennedy
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