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Courses and Workshops

Upper limb Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)


Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is an effective intervention to improve upper limb function after stroke. There is Level 1 evidence supporting CIMT at all time-points after stroke (acute, subacute, chronic).

This extensive research has led to several national clinical practice guidelines strongly recommending CIMT for eligible patients as part of their rehabilitation. Despite supporting evidence, very few patients in Australia receive CIMT.

CIMT is a complex intervention, however there are limited opportunities for clinicians to learn how to successfully provide CIMT.

This 2-day course will provide a complete overview of the evidence behind CIMT, clearly defined patient eligibility, practical education on delivering each of the components, and guidance on implementation across a range of settings to support translation to clinical practice.

To read more about this course, please click here

Learning outcomes

  • Describe the evidence supporting CIMT across all time-points after stroke
  • Define the components of CIMT and describe the importance of each component as part of the overall CIMT package
  • Determine the eligibility of a stroke survivor to receive CIMT
  • Demonstrate the delivery of the transfer package
  • Demonstrate the ability to deliver massed practice (shaping and task practice) across a range of upper limb impairment severities
  • Describe strategies to minimise the use of the less-affected upper limb
  • Understand the barriers to providing CIMT in clinical practice and describe strategies to overcome these barriers
  • Describe a CIMT protocol that would be suitable for the context in which they work


  • Participants should have some experience working with stroke or neurological patients.
  • This course is only available to AHPRA-registered physiotherapists.


Ashan Weerakkody

Ashan Weerakkody (MACP) is an APA Neurological Physiotherapist who works as a Senior Physiotherapist in Neurology/Stroke with Rehabilitation in the Home (RITH). His current work role involves providing consultative support and education to physiotherapists and occupational therapists in managing complex neurological presentations. He co-developed the implementation of constraint-induced movement therapy across a large early-supported discharge rehabilitation service, increasing the uptake of this therapy among physiotherapists, occupational therapists and allied health assistants. This implementation has been the focus of his research.

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Courses and Workshops
Sat 30 Apr
- Sun 01 May
08:30AM - 05:00PM AWST
Suite 1 4 Sarich Way
Bentley WA 6102 View map
Non Member: $1,183.00
APA Member: $817.00
Neurology group: $762.00
Distance Discount: $762.00
Registration closing date:
20 Apr 2022
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* Early bird prices close 8 weeks prior to the course start date
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At a glance
1,183.00: $Non Member
817.00: $APA Member
762.00: $Neurology group
762.00: $Distance Discount
Registration closing date:
20 Apr 2022
Event status:
CPD hours:
* Early bird prices close 8 weeks prior to the course start date
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Ashan Weerakkody

Ashan Weerakkody (MACP) is an APA Neurological Physiotherapist who works as a Senior Physiotherapist in Neurology/Stroke with Rehabilitation in the Home (RITH). His current work role involves providing consultative support and education to physiotherapists and occupational therapists in managing complex neurological presentations. He co-developed the implementation of constraint-induced movement therapy across a large early-supported discharge rehabilitation service, increasing the uptake of this therapy among physiotherapists, occupational therapists and allied health assistants. This implementation has been the focus of his research.

Learning outcomes
  • Describe the evidence supporting CIMT across all time-points after stroke
  • Define the components of CIMT and describe the importance of each component as part of the overall CIMT package
  • Determine the eligibility of a stroke survivor to receive CIMT
  • Demonstrate the delivery of the transfer package
  • Demonstrate the ability to deliver massed practice (shaping and task practice) across a range of upper limb impairment severities
  • Describe strategies to minimise the use of the less-affected upper limb
  • Understand the barriers to providing CIMT in clinical practice and describe strategies to overcome these barriers
  • Describe a CIMT protocol that would be suitable for the context in which they work


  • Participants should have some experience working with stroke or neurological patients.
  • This course is only available to AHPRA-registered physiotherapists.
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