Revolutionise clinical documentation using A.I.
A.I. is here, but how can we safely see the benefits of this transformation in our industry?Join us for an enlightening webinar where we'll delve deep into the new technological opportunities available with AI right now and how it can be used
1. How to use Generative AI in your day-to-day.
Security of AI in Clinical Applications:
2. How is individual data managed when employing Generative AI?
3. What forms of consent are necessary when integrating AI into clinical practice?
4. What measures are in place to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of patient data in AI-assisted clinical procedures?
Hear how physiotherapists are currently using A.I. to:
1. Create accurate APHRA-compliant clinical notes using voice AI and optimise the time spent treating patients
2. Reduce note and letter writing time
3. Eliminate or reduce working through lunch or after-hours
4. Automatically generate patient and referral letters to enhance health outcomes, empower patients, and foster better communication with medical referrers.
In this interactive presentation, you'll learn how A.I. tools can revolutionise your practice, streamline operations, and elevate patient care.
You will walk away from this session with the tools you need to get started immediately.
Learning outcomes:
By participating in this webinar, attendees will develop the knowledge and practical expertise needed to harness A.I. for efficient clinical documentation, seamless operations, and elevated patient care within the healthcare sector.
Discover how A.I. technology can transform your clinical documentation process.
• Learn about the advantages of accurate and instant clinical notes.
• Explore seamless integration with existing practice management systems and workflows.
• Get insights into enhancing patient care and communication.
• Stay ahead in the competitive healthcare landscape.
You will also have many questions answered about the safety, and security of A.I. platforms and cover some of the many conversations currently being had around patient data. This includes aspects such as encryption, and why you can't simply use things like ChatGPT straight off the shelf.