Pat Cosh grant 

Osteoarthritis online toolkit

legs on exercise ball

Grant recipient: Dr Christian Barton APAM 

Project title: Development and evaluation of an online toolkit to competently and safely implement telehealth delivery of education and exercise-therapy for osteoarthritis 

Year awarded: 2021

Grant: Pat Cosh Trust Grant

Long COVID e-learning resources

physio holding out patients arm

Grant recipient: Dr Karen Borschmann and Rita Kinsella APAM

Project title: Long term recovery following COVID-19: Supporting optimal physiotherapy management

Year awarded: 2021

Grant: Pat Cosh Trust Grant

Grant amount: $19,927.63

Establishing the impact of a controlled testing speed on spasticity outcomes: clinical assessment tool implications

physio touching mans leg

Grant recipient: Dr Megan Banky MACP 

Project title: Establishing the impact of a controlled testing speed on spasticity outcomes: clinical assessment tool implications

Year awarded: 2021

Grant: Pat Cosh Trust Grant

Taking Oncology Rehabilitation Online (TORO)

two people

Grant recipient: Dr Amy Dennett MACP, APA Cancer Physiotherapist 

Project title: Taking Oncology Rehabilitation Online (TORO)

Year awarded: 2020    

Grant: Pat Cosh Trust grant

Grant amount: $14,592.00

Upskilling in falls prevention


Grant recipient: Dr Sze-Ee Soh

Project title: Upskilling physiotherapists to deliver evidence-based falls prevention for people with osteoarthritis    

Year awarded: 2019

Grant: Pat Cosh Grant

Grant amount: $14,643.00

MOvE ICU assessment tool


Grant recipient: Jenna Lang, Sunshine Hospital, Western Health

Project title: Development of the Mobility Expertise in Intensive Care Competency (MOvE-ICU) Assessment Tool

Year awarded: 2019 

Grant: Pat Cosh Trust Grant

Training program to improve clinical supervision

two females looking at computer

Grant recipient: Dr David Snowdon  

Project title: A training program to improve the effectiveness of clinical supervision of Victorian physiotherapists

Year awarded: 2019

Grant: Pat Cosh Trust Grant

Grant amount: $13,686.21

Assessing exercise fidelity using telerehabilitation technology

clock cog

Grant recipient: Peter Malliaras FACP, Fellow by Original Contribution  

Project title: The reliability and validity of assessing exercise fidelity using easily accessible telerehabilitation technology 

Year awarded: 2018

eLearning Focused UltraSound Education (eFUSE) for Physiotherapists

ultra sound on tummy

Grant recipient: Doa El-Ansary MACP, Melbourne University

Project title: eLearning Focused UltraSound Education (eFUSE) for Physiotherapists

Year awarded: 2017

Grant: Pat Cosh Trust grant

Grant amount: $24,960