Upskilling in falls prevention


Upskilling in falls prevention


Grant recipient: Dr Sze-Ee Soh

Project title: Upskilling physiotherapists to deliver evidence-based falls prevention for people with osteoarthritis    

Year awarded: 2019

Grant: Pat Cosh Grant

Grant amount: $14,643.00

Snapshot: This project builds on 2018 research program, which was funded by Arthritis Australia, to understand the burden of falls among people with osteoarthritis and current clinical practice in this area. The aim of this project was to implement falls prevention e-learning resources for physiotherapy practitioners working in OA care, and to evaluate the fidelity (reach and dose), impact and acceptability of these resources. An e-learning program focusing on falls prevention assessment and management specific to the OA population was developed and delivered using the Monash University learning management system Moodle (, Perth, Australia). The intended content and learning outcomes for the e-learning program were categorised into four online modules: 

  • Module 1 – balance systems
  • Module 2 – falls risk assessment
  • Module 3 – exercise to improve balance
  • Module 4 – strategies to promote adherence

The findings: The majority of participants reported that the e-learning program met their expectations (n = 45; 90%) and that the modules were “very helpful”, “very well-presented and informative” and “well organised”. Most participants also rated each module to be good or very good and that the modules were highly relevant to their clinical practice (median score range 8-10; IQR 2). An overall improvement in knowledge outcomes among participants was also observed following the e-learning program. Specifically, participants’ knowledge regarding best practice recommendations for falls prevention exercises improved following the program, including greater awareness of the recommended dosage of balance exercises. Participants were also more aware of the key elements of behaviour change that may enhance adherence to balance exercises. However, this finding does have to be interpreted with caution given the quasi-experimental nature of this study.

Benefits to the profession: This research aims to raise awareness of falls among clinicians who work with people with osteoarthritis.

The next steps: This research aims to nintegrate falls prevention into routine management for people with osteoarthritis so that physiotherapists deliver care that is more holistic, efficient and sustainable.

Read more about Dr Sze-Ee Soh’s research in InMotion