Five facts about spinal cord injury


Five facts about spinal cord injury

Spinal cord injuries cause muscle paralysis and loss of sensation, affect between 12 and 18 people per million each year in Australia.  Physiotherapy is central to the success of rehabilitation following spinal cord injury. However, there are many different specific approaches and techniques, some of which are new and without a good evidence base.

Neurology group members Brooke Wadsworth, Danielle Ferguson, APAM and Christine Rimmer, APAM present five facts about physiotherapy interventions for spinal cord injuries.

The Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) has highlighted key messages from the 5 facts article featured in the October edition of InMotion and produced this infographic. Click on the image below to access a printable A3 file. 

This infographic is a Physiotherapy Research Foundation (PRF) initiative supported by FlexEze – partner of the PRF.
