Rita Kinsella APAM was awarded the 2021 Pat Cosh Trust Grant for her research ‘Long term recovery following COVID-19: Supporting optimal physiotherapy management’. Dr Catherine Granger graduated in 2005 from The University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) as Dux of the course. She began her work in the acute public hospital setting and soon began specialising in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy, in particular the areas of cardiothoracics and intensive care. Catherine completed her PhD (The University of Melbourne, 2013) in the area of physical activity and lung cancer. Her research areas included exercise for patient populations, with a special interest in the efficacy of exercise for cancer survivors. She now supervises a number of research higher degree students and clinicians working in these areas.


Rita Kinsella APAM was awarded the 2021 Pat Cosh Trust Grant for her research ‘Long term recovery following COVID-19: Supporting optimal physiotherapy management’. Dr Catherine Granger graduated in 2005 from The University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) as Dux of the course. She began her work in the acute public hospital setting and soon began specialising in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy, in particular the areas of cardiothoracics and intensive care. Catherine completed her PhD (The University of Melbourne, 2013) in the area of physical activity and lung cancer. Her research areas included exercise for patient populations, with a special interest in the efficacy of exercise for cancer survivors. She now supervises a number of research higher degree students and clinicians working in these areas.

Pat Cosh

Pat Cosh recipient’s Long COVID e-learning resources

Physiotherapist with elderly patient.

Pat Cosh recipient’s Long COVID e-learning resources

Rita Kinsella APAM was awarded the 2021 Pat Cosh Trust Grant for her research ‘Long term recovery following COVID-19: Supporting optimal physiotherapy management’.