Pat Cosh recipient’s Long COVID e-learning resources

Physiotherapist with elderly patient.

Pat Cosh recipient’s Long COVID e-learning resources

Physiotherapist with elderly patient.

Pat Cosh recipient’s Long COVID e-learning resources

Rita Kinsella APAM was awarded the 2021 Pat Cosh Trust Grant for her research ‘Long term recovery following COVID-19: Supporting optimal physiotherapy management’. This grant was utilised to conduct a research collaboration between St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Western Health, Alfred Health and Monash University. A survey was conducted to develop a physiotherapy-specific learning resource for clinicians managing patients presenting with post-COVID syndrome, also known as Long COVID.

This research has facilitated the creation of e-learning resources to educate and support the physiotherapy management of Long COVID.

Read the more about this research by accessing the full journal.

About the recipient

Rita Kinsella APAM is an advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapist and clinical researcher, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne.

This research received funding from the Pat Cosh Trust (administered by the Australian Physiotherapy Association). The Pat Cosh Trust was established in 2010 with funds bequeathed by the former Physiotherapy Board of Victoria for the purpose of advancing the education of all Victorian physiotherapists.