Shaping the future of the College
AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF PHYSIOTHERAPISTS Tamara Rowan, Head of the Australian College of Physiotherapists, discusses the College’s upcoming plans.
In the December issue of InMotion last year, the incoming Australian College of Physiotherapists (ACP) president, Tom McMillan FACP, talked about the strategic plan that the College launched in October 2021 here.
Aligned with the APA’s own strategic plan, it outlines the vision and mission of the College along with a road map of what the College hopes to achieve over the next 10 years.
The realisation of this plan depends on a number of factors, including effective stakeholder management, realistic and achievable goals and the dedication of its members, who invest their time to give back to the College.
At the heart of the strategic plan lie the College’s vision—‘Fellowship of the Australian College of Physiotherapists (ACP) is globally recognised as a pinnacle of a physiotherapist’s standards, education and professional excellence’—and its mission—‘The ACP empowers a physiotherapist’s lifelong learning journey towards maintaining the highest standards of clinical and professional excellence and professionalism.
We advocate for the recognition of their skills and value to the profession, community, employers and health system.
The ACP needs to offer pathways and programs that are aspirational but accessible, achievable and flexible.
Membership benefits must be valued by physiotherapists and the credentials the ACP offers must be recognised by all stakeholders.
In shaping a future for the profession, the ACP strategy aims to ensure that:
• physiotherapists’ achievements in the Physiotherapy Career Pathway are recognised and rewarded by the profession, the community, employers, the health system, all levels of government and insurers
• physiotherapists choose the APA Career Pathway for their lifelong learning and development
• physiotherapists recognise and value the benefits of achieving key pathway milestones.
Since beginning my role as Head of the ACP, I have overseen the realigning and strengthening of the ACP’s governance structure. Changes coming into effect in 2023 include:
• a reduction of the ACP standing committees from six to four
• the development of clear terms of reference for each ACP standing committee and the College Council, articulating the line of reporting and responsibilities
• the formation of an ACP steering committee to facilitate communication between the College Council and the APA Board of Directors.
There are a number of projects underway that build on elements of the Physiotherapy Career Pathway—a key objective of both the ACP and the APA strategic plans—including reviewing and updating the APA Physiotherapy Competence Framework (version 7.1).
There is much to do and we thank the committee members, subject matter experts, titled members and Fellows who provide their time, expertise and enthusiasm so willingly and generously.
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