Establishing the impact of a controlled testing speed on spasticity outcomes: clinical assessment tool implications

physio touching mans leg

Grant recipient: Dr Megan Banky MACP 

Project title: Establishing the impact of a controlled testing speed on spasticity outcomes: clinical assessment tool implications

Year awarded: 2021

Grant: Pat Cosh Trust Grant

MOvE ICU assessment tool


Grant recipient: Jenna Lang, Sunshine Hospital, Western Health

Project title: Development of the Mobility Expertise in Intensive Care Competency (MOvE-ICU) Assessment Tool

Year awarded: 2019 

Grant: Pat Cosh Trust Grant

Respiratory physiotherapy and intensive care

Grant recipient: Shane Patman, FACP

Project title: The effect of physiotherapy on the prevention and treatment of nosocomial pneumonia for intensive care patients with acquired brain injury

Year awarded: 2001

PRF grant: Seeding Grant

Effects of a pulmonary rehabilitation program on exercise capacity in people with COPD

Effects of a pulmonary rehabilitation program on exercise capacity in people with COPD

Grant recipient: Joshua Bishop, APAM

Project title: Effect of a pulmonary rehabilitation program of 8 weeks duration compared to 12 weeks on exercise capacity in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (PuRe Duration): A randomised controlled trial.

Year awarded: 2017

Physiotherapy interventions for early-onset knee osteoarthritis following ACLR

Physiotherapy interventions for early-onset knee osteoarthritis following ACLR

Learn more about our PRF grant recipients and what their research entailed.

Find out more about the recipients and how they used their grants to inform the physiotherapy profession.

Exercise rehabilitation following surgery for lung cancer

Exercise rehabilitation following surgery for lung cancer

Grant recipient: Dr Catherine Granger, APAM

Project title: Exercise rehabilitation for patients following surgery for lung cancer: a pilot randomised controlled trial.

Year awarded: 2008

PRF grant: Jill Nosworthy Bequest