Delivered by Peter Malliaras, physio PhD and tendinopathy clinician-scientist. Peter has a respected international clinical and research profile, and is consulted by many people for a second opinion regarding their tendon injuries, including elite athletes and performers (eg football, rugby, ballet, and tennis). He works as an Associate Professor at Monash University, focusing on tendinopathy research, and sees more than 20 tendinopathy patients in clinic each week. This course provides an up-to-date research and clinical perspective and a complete walk through assessment, kinetic chain and biomechanics considerations and rehabilitation of common tendinopathies. Achilles, plantar fascia, tibialis posterior, patellar, proximal hamstring and gluteal tendinopaties will be covered in detail. Whether you are a new graduate or very experienced clinician, you will come away with many answers to your questions as well as clinical gems to take away.