Awards and recognition

Awards and recognition

The APA has an extensive awards and recognition program incorporating honoured memberships, milestone achievements, service recognition, student awards, National Group awards, trustee prizes and individual state branch awards.

Honoured members

APA Honoured Membership is an acknowledgement of conspicuous service, leadership, and exceptional contributions to the APA and the broader profession.

They are nominated for recognition by their peers and formally awarded by the Board after consideration of set criteria.

Nominators of members for Honoured Membership of the Australian Physiotherapy Association should provide exemplary examples of:

  • Contribution to the Physiotherapy profession
  • Sustained and outstanding APA service, including leadership positions
  • Awards and recognition
  • Relevant positions held outside of APA

 Applications open in March biannually. The next round will be in 2026.

The following members are acknowledged for their conspicuous service, leadership, and exceptional contributions to the APA and the broader profession:

1984 Elma Casely

1984 Claire Deverson

1984 Melville Furness

1984 Doreen Moore

1984 Isobel Shaw

1986 Patricia Cosh

1988 Phyllis Hawkin

1988 Margaret Nayler

1989 Beatrice Burke

1989 Elizabeth Fussell

1989 Beryl Haynes

1989 Margaret Mack

1992 Jeanne-Marie Ganne

1992 Marie Hammond

1992 Geoffrey Maitland

1993 Yvonne Burns

1193 Margaret Peel

1994 Lance Twomey

1995 Margaret Bullock

1998 Joan Cole

1998 Robyn Cupit

1998 Dorothy Jewell

1998 Sandra Mercer Moore

2000 Doreen Bauer

2000 Anne McCoy

2001 Elizabeth Ellis

2002 Colleen Liston

2002 Patricia Trott

2004 Brian Edwards

2005 Gwendolen Jull

2006 Ruth Grant

2008 Joan McMeeken

2009 Prudence Galley

2009 Catherine Nall

2010 Robert Elvey

2011 Gillian Webb

2012 Max Zusman

2013 Paul Hodges

2013 Roberta Shepherd

2013 Janet Carr

2013 Helen Whitelock Bishop

2014 Lorimer Moseley

2014 David Butler

2015 Marilyn Morgan

2017 Peter Fazey

2017 Melissa Locke

2018 Wendy Braybon

2018 Karen Schneider

2019 Mary Magarey

2019 Mary Galea

2019 Dianne Wilson

2021 Barbara Singer

2021 Michael Ryan

2024 Trudy Rebbeck

2024 Kay Crossley


Awards for Professional Excellence (APE)

The APE program celebrates the commitment and outstanding achievements of members and rewards them for their contribution to the APA. The program is administered by each state branch and awards are presented for achievements including:

  • contribution to the promotion of the profession
  • contribution to the Association by a recent graduate
  • contribution to an APA group or state branch
  • contribution to physiotherapy research.

Trustee prizes

Trustee prizes are bestowed unto members as a result of bequests left to the APA.

Student awards

Merit-based student awards are for best results in academic study in a field of physiotherapy. Each university has its own awards program and the APA state branches and national groups support these by awarding gifts in several categories.

  • Board of Directors' 2024 winner is Jianqi LI , who will sit on NAC in 2025 as the student rep for QLD
  • 2024 Certificate of Merit to Phoebe Walker of NSW

For more information, see Board of Directors’ Student Prize.

2018 Victoria Hutton

2019 James Jansz

2020 Caroline Le Quesne

2021 Victoria Quaini

2022 Abeshek Nadarajah

2023 Callum Neish

2024 Jianqi Li

National Group awards

A number of our national groups offer research grants and prizes to members who have made a substantial contribution to a particular area of interest.

Member milestones

Every year we celebrate the milestone anniversaries of our members. Members achieving 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years of continuous membership are recognised for their ongoing commitment to the APA. Celebrate our latest milestone achievers. Celebrate and view our latest milestone achievers.

Service recognition and appreciation

Every year we say a special ‘thank you’ to the amazing APA members who work across our various committees, branch councils, college council and committees, national groups and other groups or activities. Take a look at our latest group of esteemed contributors on our appreciation page.