Young child in a wheelchair being assisted through therapy by an adult kneeling down and raising the child's arm

NDIS pricing leaves participants behind with no change to physiotherapy support pricing

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is extremely disappointed to see the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) price limits for physiotherapy supports remain unchanged for the fifth consecutive year, disregarding the pressures of rising operational costs, and leaving providers to make difficult decisions around the viability of their practices.

  • 27 Jul, 2024

NDIS Annual pricing review 2023-2024

Submission by Australian Physiotherapy Association

February 2024

people working together one is in a wheelchair

Opinion: Fostering trust and transparency in the NDIS

December 2023

In this guest post, Scott Willis, the National President of the Australian Physiotherapy Association, responds to recent comments by NDIS Minister Bill Shorten MP about ‘price gouging’ by physiotherapy providers.

A collage with two images of Joseph, a two-and-a-half-year-old boy with Prader-Willi syndrome. On the left is a photo of Joseph when he was born, and on the right is a photo of him now, playing in his backyard.

Joseph can hold his head high thanks to NDIS and physiotherapy support

Joseph is a two and a half year old who was diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) at birth, a rare and complex genetic disorder. He is now thriving with the support of his physiotherapist and therapy team, and has attained the majority of age-appropriate skills just-in-time to start pre-school this year.

A young person with a disability participating in an activity with his physiotherapist

Shorten’s ‘price gouging’ attack misses the mark on supporting NDIS participants

The NDIS has made headlines on multiple fronts this month, including the latest unfair commentary this morning from NDIS Minister Bill Shorten MP raising unfounded concerns about ‘price gouging’ by physiotherapy providers. 

A person with a disability interacts with his support person

APA statement on NDIS Review report

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Review report released yesterday has suggested 26 recommendations and 139 supporting actions for an improved Scheme. 

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) welcomes the thorough work undertaken by the NDIS Review and commends the commitment to ensuring people with disability have access to quality physiotherapy and the supports they need, both within and outside the NDIS.

young boy in wheelchair doing a hand exercise with a physiotherapist
  • 30 Oct, 2023

Statement from the Australian Physiotherapy Association on the NDIS Review

Ahead of the publication of the findings and recommendations of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Review, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) reaffirms its commitment to an effective, equitable and fully funded NDIS. 

The APA also calls for broader reforms to ensure that all individuals with disabilities can access essential physiotherapy treatments and supports.

  • 27 Jul, 2024

NDIS Review

Statement by the Australian Physiotherapy Association

October 2023

  • 27 Jul, 2024

What we have heard – NDIS Review interim report - NDIS Review

Submission by the Australian Physiotherapy Association

August 2023