A cropped image of a piece of paper diagonally across the image, with a pale pink background and a badge resting on the paper with the female symbol on it

Don’t shy away from the most debilitating impacts of menopause, APA tells Senate Inquiry

Investing in women's health is not just a matter of fairness—it is a critical driver of societal and economic wellbeing. Research has consistently shown that when women’s health needs are met, societies prosper. At this week’s Senate Inquiry into Issues Related to Perimenopause and Menopause, policymakers were asked not to shy away from addressing the most debilitating symptoms of menopause amidst growing public awareness of its impact on women’s lives.  

An older woman sits on a couch holding her knee and grimacing in pain

Plea for pain sufferers: More support for non-surgical interventions

In a flash poll conducted by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA), over 90 per cent of physiotherapists said they have treated patients suffering after unnecessary and potentially harmful surgeries. This comes following a confronting exposé of Australia’s chronic pain industry on ABC Four Corners, which highlighted potential overuse of surgical procedures, despite physiotherapy treatment being considered part of best practice.

person examining a patient

What reforms are needed to ensure Medicare delivers for changing health needs over the next 40 years?

February 2024

In marking the 40th anniversary of Medicare, health leaders have cautioned that determined reform efforts are vital for ensuring Australia’s health system can meet current and future pressures including climate change and an ageing population.

Piece of printed paper with the heading 'Medicare'

Medicare at 40: time for a mid-life ‘health check’

The big 4-0 has well and truly hit Medicare and it’s not all about blowing out the candles on the cake. The Australian Physiotherapy Association’s (APA) 2024-25 Pre-Budget submission demands reform that can give Australians a health system that is getting better with age.

  • 16 Jul, 2024

Scope of Practice Review: Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce

Submission by the Australian Physiotherapy Association

October 2023

close up mid shot of people in blue scrubs holding pieces of paper and a pen

Strengthening Medicare Taskforce report

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) endorses the vision for improving primary care as outlined in the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce report and now eagerly expects the Government to deliver on this reform.

The Strengthening Medicare Taskforce has delivered a vision for improving primary care, and there is now an expectation the Albanese Government will deliver on this.

  • 16 Jul, 2024

Physiotherapy in Urgent Care Clinics

Position Statement by the Australian Physiotherapy Association

January 2023

physiotherapist treats patient sitting on a fit ball there are crutches in the corner of the room

Physiotherapists identified as key lever to improving outdated healthcare system

A new report from the Grattan Institute outlines the potential of physiotherapists, and other allied health professionals, to improve Australia’s outdated primary care system and increase access to the care Australians need.

Funding for physiotherapy led exercise programs is key to proper OA management

Funding for physiotherapy led exercise programs is key to proper OA management

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a debilitating and painful condition affecting more than 2.2 million Australians at a cost to the health system of $2.1 billion annually. As Australia’s population ages and obesity rates climb, this figure is expected to grow to more than 3 million by 20301.