Photo of Uluru with colourful sky behind it, indicating the sun is rising

Investment in culturally safe physiotherapy for First Nations people critical in NT election

Recent data by the Northern Territory (NT) Department of Health shows that Territorians are living longer but are sicker, amplifying the importance of the upcoming election on 24 August as a clear opportunity for candidates to prioritise the health outcomes for Territorians.

  • 19 Feb, 2025

Tasmanian state election statement

Statement by the Australian Physiotherapy Association.

March 2024

physiotherapist working on a patient

Physiotherapist returns to his small hometown and gives back to his community

January 2024

With a population of only 1,500 people, the town of Bingara in NSW has been desperate for another physiotherapist practising within their community. With only one physiotherapist, wait times have been long for residents. Thankfully, a new physiotherapist has joined the ranks.

rural landscape

Lack of physiotherapists in rural areas is alarming

September 2023

Physiotherapists play a vital role in Australia’s healthcare landscape. They are capable of working with a wide range of conditions and their expertise in the human body benefits millions of people per year.

  • 19 Feb, 2025

Federal Pre-Budget Submission 2023-2024 | Physiotherapy: high-value care for all.

Submission by the Australian Physiotherapy Association

January 2023

Elderly woman and physio

Older Australians set to lose physiotherapy care with physiotherapy job losses ahead

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is calling on the Federal Government to clarify how critical physiotherapy care for older Australians will be funded, to allay uncertainty about the health of older Australians being put at risk and prevent job losses across the aged care sector.

APA National President Scott Willis said despite the Government saying that older people will receive physiotherapy under its new residential aged care funding, it hasn’t addressed the issue and has repeatedly failed to explain both how and how much.

Physiotherapist working with patient

APA calling for a nationally consistent approach to accessing physiotherapy care

While the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) fully supports government measures to control COVID-19, including warranted lockdown restrictions, the APA is calling for a nationally consistent approach to accessing physiotherapy care that balances health needs with restriction of community movement.

Men hiking

Talk ‘With Your Physio’ to help treat chronic health conditions

The Australian Physiotherapy Association’s (APA) ‘With Your Physio’ campaign is designed to inform the more than 11 million Australians who live with chronic health conditions on a daily basis, the important role physiotherapy can play in improving and managing their health journey.

  • 19 Feb, 2025

The equitable access to physiotherapy services for rural Australians

Position Statement by the Australian Physiotherapy Association

September 2021

Access to vital physiotherapy care essential during lockdowns

Access to vital physiotherapy care essential during lockdowns

Inconsistent lockdown restrictions on essential health services applied by the Western Australian (WA) Government shows an urgent need for a national approach to ensure all Australians have access to vital health services during the ongoing pandemic.

Following their previous lockdown, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) wrote to the WA Government alerting them to the impact on patients’ health care during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The APA called on the WA Government to allow face to face physiotherapy care for patients with critical need.