Field of poppies

A matter of respect and duty: Urgent call for review in veterans’ healthcare funding

The government recently announced exposure draft legislation to rectify the complex system veterans navigate to access their entitlements—a system that the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide found compounded trauma. The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) urges a critical next step: review the fee schedule for veterans' healthcare and ensure veterans can receive the comprehensive and accessible care they need and deserve. 

Close up of a newborn baby's hands holding its parent's finger

The silent epidemic: Australia facing birth trauma crisis

One in two birthing parents in Australia experience birthing trauma (K Watson, 2021) leading to extensive, and often silent, suffering that impacts all aspects of their lives. Policy makers need to face this crisis head on and invest in access to pelvic health physiotherapy services. Presently, the escalating demand for physiotherapy services during and post pregnancy dramatically outweighs the access and funding available, leaving new parents without access to essential preventative and therapeutic healthcare, crucial for significantly reducing birth trauma.

Illustration of a brain

New guidelines for game-changing concussion and brain health care launched

The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), in close collaboration with the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) and other major partners, has today announced the release of the Concussion and Brain Health Position Statement 2024. This essential document provides ground-breaking insights into concussion management and underscores the critical role of physiotherapists in sports-related health care.

Piece of printed paper with the heading 'Medicare'

Medicare at 40: time for a mid-life ‘health check’

The big 4-0 has well and truly hit Medicare and it’s not all about blowing out the candles on the cake. The Australian Physiotherapy Association’s (APA) 2024-25 Pre-Budget submission demands reform that can give Australians a health system that is getting better with age.

A collage with two images of Joseph, a two-and-a-half-year-old boy with Prader-Willi syndrome. On the left is a photo of Joseph when he was born, and on the right is a photo of him now, playing in his backyard.

Joseph can hold his head high thanks to NDIS and physiotherapy support

Joseph is a two and a half year old who was diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) at birth, a rare and complex genetic disorder. He is now thriving with the support of his physiotherapist and therapy team, and has attained the majority of age-appropriate skills just-in-time to start pre-school this year.

Five school children each with back packs run excitedly up the steps to enter their school

Heavy school back packs not a clear cause of low back pain in kids

Recent studies1-5 have shown there is no clear association between heavy school back packs and low back pain in school children, contrary to the popular belief that the weight of a school bag is the main culprit behind the growing prevalence of low back pain in kids.

Low back pain (LBP) affects up to 4 in 10 Australian students at any point in time; 30 to 50 per cent will have pain persisting longer than three months3

Man with low back pain turns away from desk with computer and other paperwork on it to brace his lower back.

NSW insurer low back pain model change is dangerous shift to US-style healthcare

The NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is going down the path of ‘Americanising’ healthcare by changing who patients can see for complex and serious low back medical problems.

SIRA has announced the seemingly innocuous removal of the term ‘physiotherapist’ from the clinical care pathway in its Low Back Pain Model of Care, replacing it with ‘physical therapies’ to allow NSW patients to be treated by non-Ahpra regulated and limited scope exercise providers. 

Australian Physiotherapy Association CEO - Anja

APA announces the resignation of our esteemed CEO

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) announces the resignation of our esteemed Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Anja Nikolic, as she embarks on a new chapter in her career. Effective 15 March 2024, Anja will step down from her role as CEO of the APA to assume the CEO role at the Australasian Institute of Digital Health.

A young person with a disability participating in an activity with his physiotherapist

Shorten’s ‘price gouging’ attack misses the mark on supporting NDIS participants

The NDIS has made headlines on multiple fronts this month, including the latest unfair commentary this morning from NDIS Minister Bill Shorten MP raising unfounded concerns about ‘price gouging’ by physiotherapy providers. 

A person with a disability interacts with his support person

APA statement on NDIS Review report

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Review report released yesterday has suggested 26 recommendations and 139 supporting actions for an improved Scheme. 

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) welcomes the thorough work undertaken by the NDIS Review and commends the commitment to ensuring people with disability have access to quality physiotherapy and the supports they need, both within and outside the NDIS.