Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and Australian Physiotherapy Association call for urgent physiotherapy access during COVID-19 lockdown events

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and Australian Physiotherapy Association call for urgent physiotherapy access during COVID-19 lockdown events

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) and Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) are calling on state and territory governments to ensure the ongoing health response to the COVID-19 pandemic includes access to essential health care services.

  • 16 Jul, 2024

2021-22 Pre-Budget: A strong physiotherapy workforce for a healthy Australia

Submission by the Australian Physiotherapy Association

February 2021

Palawa man Scott Willis elected first Indigenous President of Australian mainstream health peak body

Palawa man Scott Willis elected first Indigenous President of Australian Physiotherapy Association

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has announced the appointment of Palawa man Scott Willis as its 22nd national president; its first Indigenous president in the organisation’s 110 year history. Scott commences his two year term on 1 January 2021.

Physiotherapy’s peak body appoints first Indigenous President

Physiotherapy’s peak body appoints first Indigenous President

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) proudly announces the appointment of Scott Willis as its National President and current Vice President Jenny Aiken, as Chair of the Board effective 1 January 2021, for a period of two years. 

Scott Willis, a proud Palawa man from North-West Tasmania, is also the first Indigenous Australian to be elected as National President of a health peak body in Australia. The APA recognises this as an important step in our journey towards Reconciliation.