Physios warn players that gradual return to sport is critical to avoid injury

Physios warn players that gradual return to sport is critical to avoid injury

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is calling for clubs and players to be aware of the increased risk of sports injuries after the long COVID-19 lay off and as Victorians return to a form of normality.

While many Victorians have been walking, running and cycling to maintain their fitness during quarantine, physiotherapists are warning this doesn’t mean they’re ready to go straight back into local footy, netball or cricket.

Access to vital physiotherapy care essential during lockdowns

Access to vital physiotherapy care essential during lockdowns

Inconsistent lockdown restrictions on essential health services applied by the Western Australian (WA) Government shows an urgent need for a national approach to ensure all Australians have access to vital health services during the ongoing pandemic.

Following their previous lockdown, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) wrote to the WA Government alerting them to the impact on patients’ health care during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The APA called on the WA Government to allow face to face physiotherapy care for patients with critical need.

Landmark report confirms economic value of physiotherapy

Landmark report confirms economic value of physiotherapy

A landmark report released by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) provides irrefutable evidence of the cost effectiveness and enhanced quality of life delivered by physiotherapy interventions.

The Value of Physiotherapy report launched today by Olympic athlete Jessica Trengove, delivers a comprehensive, independent analysis undertaken by the NOUS Group that demonstrates the economic benefits that physiotherapy provides to patients and the Australian healthcare system.

Rest is not ‘just what the doctor ordered’ for chronic pain

Rest is not ‘just what the doctor ordered’ for chronic pain

Advice to rest and avoid pain has traditionally been given to people with chronic pain. However, research linking lower back pain in teens with work absenteeism as adults points to the need to tackle pain early, eliminating fear-avoidance behaviour later in life. During National Pain Week (23–29 July) the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is highlighting the effectiveness of physiotherapy in pain management programs.