APA physiotherapists are highly sought-after experts in their field-providing commentary and advice on everything from musculoskeletal health, sports injuries and chronic pain to occupational health and safety, child growth and development, pelvic health and chronic disease.
Browse our direct media engagement and activity below.


Response to today’s Nine/Fairfax paper “Government takes aim at allied health in aged care”

Response to today’s Nine/Fairfax paper “Government takes aim at allied health in aged care”

The article in today’s Nine/Fairfax paper “Government takes aim at allied health in aged care” highlights the alarming approach the Morrison government is taking to reforming the aged care sector which will ultimately lead to poorer quality of care for our most vulnerable people.

Concussion explained: why ignoring head knocks is now a dangerous game

Concussion explained: why ignoring head knocks is now a dangerous game

Concussion is mentioned in daily news cycles, athletes are being medically retired on the basis of repeated concussions and community sport has adopted strict return-to-play protocols.

So why all the fanfare now about a condition that has been around for as long as blokes have had testosterone and the desire to strike each other’s heads? The simple answer is: medicine.

APA supports AMA and RACS calls for national surgery plan

APA supports AMA and RACS calls for national surgery plan

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) supports calls by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) for all levels of Government to develop a national plan addressing the growing and increasingly critical backlog of elective surgeries.

The AMA and RACS highlighted new Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) data, showing Australians are now waiting even longer for essential surgery.

Physio’s plan for better health outcomes for Australia

Physio’s plan for better health outcomes for Australia

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has released its pre-Budget submission delivered to the Government this month, which outlines solutions to improve Australia’s health system and patient outcomes.

In the submission, Physiotherapy: A Path to Better Care, the APA details new and advanced pathways to strengthen care for all Australians.