APA physiotherapists are highly sought-after experts in their field-providing commentary and advice on everything from musculoskeletal health, sports injuries and chronic pain to occupational health and safety, child growth and development, pelvic health and chronic disease.
Browse our direct media engagement and activity below.


Elderly woman and physio

Older Australians set to lose physiotherapy care with physiotherapy job losses ahead

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is calling on the Federal Government to clarify how critical physiotherapy care for older Australians will be funded, to allay uncertainty about the health of older Australians being put at risk and prevent job losses across the aged care sector.

APA National President Scott Willis said despite the Government saying that older people will receive physiotherapy under its new residential aged care funding, it hasn’t addressed the issue and has repeatedly failed to explain both how and how much.

Animals, like humans, deserve the best health care

Animals, like humans, deserve the best health care

With the launch of a new Position Statement – Animal Physiotherapy – the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) wants all animals, whether they are high performance competitors, working animals or much loved family pets, to be treated by highly qualified experts.

Nanna and baby

Ninety four year old Nana, one of thousands of Victorians deteriorating under negligent health policy

The State Government’s short sighted and negligent restrictions on access to physiotherapy care in Victoria continues to impact thousands of people across the state, as face to face physiotherapy care remains only available for ‘essential’ purposes.

Physiotherapist working with patient

APA calling for a nationally consistent approach to accessing physiotherapy care

While the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) fully supports government measures to control COVID-19, including warranted lockdown restrictions, the APA is calling for a nationally consistent approach to accessing physiotherapy care that balances health needs with restriction of community movement.