a puzzle with a missing piece. The space where the missing piece should go reads workforce.

Unlocking the future of physiotherapy: APA's first Workforce Census

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has today released the comprehensive findings of its inaugural Workforce Census, unlocking key information that will inform meaningful reform across the gender pay gap, rural health disparities, and the broader skills shortage within the sector.

person participating in water based physiotherapy

Clinical trial to begin into immersion therapy for brain and spinal injuries

October 2023

Damian Jamieson said he tried every type of therapy to deal with the pain from an old back injury without success until he turned to the water — or more specifically, underwater.

Landmark report confirms economic value of physiotherapy

Landmark report confirms economic value of physiotherapy

A landmark report released by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) provides irrefutable evidence of the cost effectiveness and enhanced quality of life delivered by physiotherapy interventions.

The Value of Physiotherapy report launched today by Olympic athlete Jessica Trengove, delivers a comprehensive, independent analysis undertaken by the NOUS Group that demonstrates the economic benefits that physiotherapy provides to patients and the Australian healthcare system.

Rest is not ‘just what the doctor ordered’ for chronic pain

Rest is not ‘just what the doctor ordered’ for chronic pain

Advice to rest and avoid pain has traditionally been given to people with chronic pain. However, research linking lower back pain in teens with work absenteeism as adults points to the need to tackle pain early, eliminating fear-avoidance behaviour later in life. During National Pain Week (23–29 July) the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is highlighting the effectiveness of physiotherapy in pain management programs.

Targeted neuro-physiotherapy intervention vital in effective management of Parkinson’s disease

Targeted neuro-physiotherapy intervention vital in effective management of Parkinson’s disease

In the lead up to World Parkinson’s Day on 11 April the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is highlighting the vital role physios play in helping people achieve the best possible quality of life after diagnosis—to slow the disease progression and, in many cases, improve their symptoms in the early stages.