APA calls for physiotherapists to be included in the care teams for pregnant women in Australia

APA calls for physiotherapists to be included in the care teams for pregnant women in Australia

The APA is calling for women’s health physiotherapists to be included in the care teams for all pregnant women in Australia to reduce the risk of complications and to improve outcomes for women and their babies.

It follows the recent release of new guidelines in the UK recommending the addition of physiotherapists to care teams there, particularly for women expecting twins or triplets.

Funding for physiotherapy led exercise programs is key to proper OA management

Funding for physiotherapy led exercise programs is key to proper OA management

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a debilitating and painful condition affecting more than 2.2 million Australians at a cost to the health system of $2.1 billion annually. As Australia’s population ages and obesity rates climb, this figure is expected to grow to more than 3 million by 20301.

Every step counts in post-stroke recovery

Every step counts in post-stroke recovery

Stroke is the second highest cause of death and the third leading cause of disability worldwide. In the lead up to National Stroke Week commencing 3 September, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is highlighting the important role physiotherapists play in prescribing targeted exercise programs for stroke survivors to support neurological repair and regain functional movement.

Targeted neuro-physiotherapy intervention vital in effective management of Parkinson’s disease

Targeted neuro-physiotherapy intervention vital in effective management of Parkinson’s disease

In the lead up to World Parkinson’s Day on 11 April the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is highlighting the vital role physios play in helping people achieve the best possible quality of life after diagnosis—to slow the disease progression and, in many cases, improve their symptoms in the early stages.