APA physiotherapists are highly sought-after experts in their field-providing commentary and advice on everything from musculoskeletal health, sports injuries and chronic pain to occupational health and safety, child growth and development, pelvic health and chronic disease.
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APA appoints new CEO

APA appoints new CEO

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Anja Nikolic to the ongoing role of CEO of the APA, effective immediately. Ms Nikolic has been acting CEO since August.

A rigorous and highly competitive national recruitment process was undertaken over several months during which Ms Nikolic’s experience, knowledge and passion stood out strongly. 

Aged care nightmare must end

Aged care nightmare must end

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s interim report is a long overdue wake up call that must put an end to the nightmare suffered by many ageing Australians.

Australian Physiotherapy Australia’s National President Phil Calvert said the shocking accounts of harm and neglect detailed in report must spur immediate action.

“The aged care system has been left to its own device for too long,” Phil said.  “The Royal Commission’s confronting report sends a clear message – things must change now.”