Aged care sector unites to support allied health in residential aged care

Aged care sector unites to support allied health in residential aged care

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) welcomes the release of a position statement by the National Aged Care Alliance (the Alliance), ‘Meeting the allied health needs of older people in residential aged care’ calling for the Commonwealth to set a clear plan for allocated funding to allied health services for those in residential aged care.

Budget reply: Albanese sets a vision for aged care and health equality

Budget reply: Albanese sets a vision for aged care and health equality

The APA welcomes the Opposition’s commitment to Aged Care health system reform and a strong, properly funded public health system, with Medicare as its backbone.

In the 2022-23 Federal Budget, the Morrison Government failed to set the fair foundations we need for health equity and access. In contrast, in his budget reply speech, Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese, outlined a strong health plan including his intent to put “security, dignity, quality and humanity” back into aged care pledging to spend $2.5 billion to fix an aged care system in crisis.

 Budget leaves cloud of confusion over allied health in residential aged care

Budget leaves cloud of confusion over allied health in residential aged care

The Federal Government hasn’t provided a clear commitment to improving critical allied healthcare services, such as physiotherapy for older Australians in residential aged care. 

The 2022-23 Federal Budget maintains a cloud of confusion hanging over the aged care sector about the provision of care by highly qualified health professionals such as physiotherapists who prevent, diagnose and manage a range of conditions and illnesses.

Budget 2022-23: Where’s health reform?

Budget 2022-23: Where’s health reform?

The APA is disappointed that the Budget does not provide investment in public funded physiotherapy which will advance health, improve patient care, and increase value.

“The APA’s pre-Budget submission provided the Morrison Government with evidence-based initiatives that would improve patient outcomes, reduce costs and enhance health care. We are disappointed the Government chose to ignore our submission,” APA National President Scott Willis said.

“The Budget has failed to set the fair foundations we needed for health equity and access.

Bringing together physical and mental health is the key to tackling suicide in Defence

Bringing together physical and mental health is the key to tackling suicide in Defence

Integrating physical and mental health care by connecting services and addressing health system gaps, must be a priority in tackling suicide.

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) submission to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans Suicide calls on governments to prioritise integrated approaches, ensuring mental and physical health is interconnected in service design.

Response to today’s Nine/Fairfax paper “Government takes aim at allied health in aged care”

Response to today’s Nine/Fairfax paper “Government takes aim at allied health in aged care”

The article in today’s Nine/Fairfax paper “Government takes aim at allied health in aged care” highlights the alarming approach the Morrison government is taking to reforming the aged care sector which will ultimately lead to poorer quality of care for our most vulnerable people.

APA supports AMA and RACS calls for national surgery plan

APA supports AMA and RACS calls for national surgery plan

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) supports calls by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) for all levels of Government to develop a national plan addressing the growing and increasingly critical backlog of elective surgeries.

The AMA and RACS highlighted new Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) data, showing Australians are now waiting even longer for essential surgery.

Physio’s plan for better health outcomes for Australia

Physio’s plan for better health outcomes for Australia

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has released its pre-Budget submission delivered to the Government this month, which outlines solutions to improve Australia’s health system and patient outcomes.

In the submission, Physiotherapy: A Path to Better Care, the APA details new and advanced pathways to strengthen care for all Australians.

Physio uses innovative VR therapy to alleviate pain

Physio uses innovative VR therapy to alleviate pain

A new virtual reality treatment program has shown patients that there are new ways to think about and treat their pain.

The newly invented treatment was developed by Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) Pain Physiotherapist and Menzies Health Institute Queensland researcher Dr Daniel Harvie, who has focused on changing the brain’s perception of the body.

Physios warn players that gradual return to sport is critical to avoid injury

Physios warn players that gradual return to sport is critical to avoid injury

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is calling for clubs and players to be aware of the increased risk of sports injuries after the long COVID-19 lay off and as Victorians return to a form of normality.

While many Victorians have been walking, running and cycling to maintain their fitness during quarantine, physiotherapists are warning this doesn’t mean they’re ready to go straight back into local footy, netball or cricket.