A long-term vision for health is nowhere to be found this election campaign.

Long-term vision for health remains to be seen this election

A long-term vision for health is nowhere to be found this election campaign. The devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have exposed a broken health care system in need of significant reform. Commitment to funding greater access to allied health and multidisciplinary care that encompasses the entire health workforce is vital.

Singular focus on medical

Singular focus on medical workforce investment ignores critical role of allied health

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) today reiterated its call for a transformational national plan to address critical workforce shortage issues in healthcare, beyond simply increasing numbers of doctors and nurses. Optimal care relies on multidisciplinary teams working together and leveraging the skills of a range of health professionals.

Transforming the health system requires a national workforce policy solution that includes incentives to drive strong skills growth alongside policies that improve efficiencies by advancing team-based care.

Long-COVID clinics essential to Australia's recovery

Long-COVID clinics essential to Australia's recovery

Over 6 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Australia, with more than 7,600 tragic deaths and many of those affected still living with the long-term effects of their infection. The establishment of long-COVID clinics is a critical step to support the recovery of those living with the condition.

Health should be Election 2022 priority

Health should be Election 2022 priority

Statement from APA National President Scott Willis

The future of health care in Australia needs to be an election priority.

The Australian Physiotherapy Association’s (APA) Election Statement, Physiotherapy: A Path to Better Care, calls on all political parties to commit to real primary care reform through the expansion of publicly funded physiotherapy using new advanced pathways that will strengthen care for all Australians.

Employer of Choice awarded to the APA

Employer of Choice awarded to the APA

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has been awarded the 2022 Human Resources Director (HRD) 5-Star Employer of Choice award for their exceptional work within the 1-99 employees category.

With the call for submissions going out in January 2022, the companies were scored by HRD on each of their achievements and initiatives across a range of areas, including leadership, learning and development, wellbeing, flexibility, diversity and inclusion, work-life balance and recruitment.

Aged care focus of APA campaign

Aged care focus of APA campaign

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has taken aim at the lack of specified allied health funding for aged care in the Federal Government’s proposed new funding tool, the AN-ACC.

Launching their new campaign promoting how physiotherapists can help our ageing population, the APA campaign supports physiotherapists who are highly qualified and trained experts in helping residents in aged care, as well as older people still living at home, to maintain their physical and mental health, reduce falls, manage pain and increase their quality of life.

Federal Election: Physiotherapy is a critical and essential service for all Australians and it is time to publicly fund it

Federal Election: Physiotherapy is a critical and essential service for all Australians and it is time to publicly fund it

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is calling on all political parties to commit to reforming primary health care by expanding publicly funded physiotherapy.

The APA’s Election Statement, Physiotherapy: A Path to Better Care, calls for a commitment to real primary care reform through new advanced pathways that will strengthen care for all Australians.

Federal election – first things first, fix the broken patient journey with physio

Federal election – first things first, fix the broken patient journey with physio

Committing to reforming primary care and connecting patients to the most appropriate and cost-effective pathway is an immediate action that any incoming government can take without delay.

Where is the debate on healthcare in Australia?

Where is the debate on healthcare in Australia?

A debate at the National Press Club (NPC) between the Minister for Health and the Shadow Minister for Health is essential, so that Australians have an opportunity to hear from the Government and Opposition about their policies for the next term.

Reports that, unlike previous election campaigns, no formal NPC debate on health care policy will take place are disappointing and, if confirmed, denies voters the chance to see the next Minister for Health questioned about their policies.

Federal election must focus on better health outcomes

Federal election must focus on better health outcomes

Transforming Australia’s health system to connect patients to the most clinically-appropriate and cost-effective health care, should be the major focus of the 2022 federal election.

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is calling on all political parties to commit to reforming primary care by encompassing physiotherapy - it’s what’s done overseas and Australians deserve to have the best health system in the world.