APA physiotherapists are highly sought-after experts in their field-providing commentary and advice on everything from musculoskeletal health, sports injuries and chronic pain to occupational health and safety, child growth and development, pelvic health and chronic disease.
Browse our direct media engagement and activity below.


person assisting a patient to stand up from bed with use of a frame

Aged care front and centre of physiotherapy campaign

May 2022

The Australian Physiotherapy Association has taken aim at the lack of specified allied health funding for aged care in the Federal Government’s proposed new funding tool, the AN-ACC.

close up of hands holding each other one is the hand of an older person the other is the hand of a younger person

Government’s prescriptive funding of aged care services woefully inadequate

March 2022

The rights of older people in residential aged care have been neglected for far too long. Basic rights of maintaining their physical and mental health, enjoying a decent quality of life and choosing who cares for them and how, are being left by the wayside.

person looking question marks and money bags with dollar sign symbols

“Aged care homes are wasting money on allied health”: Providers’ funding ends

March 2022

Aged Care Services Minister Richard Colbeck has informed aged care providers they will no longer receive funding specifically earmarked for allied health services, such as physiotherapy.

A physio smiling while a person uses a resistance band for therapy

Physiotherapists support calls for national surgery plan

March 2022

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has supported calls by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) for all levels of Government to develop a national plan addressing the growing and increasingly critical backlog of elective surgeries.

The AMA and RACS highlighted new Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) data, showing Australians are now waiting longer than ever for essential surgery.