APA physiotherapists are highly sought-after experts in their field-providing commentary and advice on everything from musculoskeletal health, sports injuries and chronic pain to occupational health and safety, child growth and development, pelvic health and chronic disease.
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an arm extends from the right side of the image, the palm of the hand is up, hovering above it is a graph with a medal shape on top seemingly in neon lights.

Australian Physiotherapy Association awarded Association of the Year

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) took out the top prize at the annual Association Awards Dinner held this week in Sydney by Associations Forum.

The Association Awards recognise excellence and accomplishment by associations and outstanding individuals.

APA President Scott Willis says the award is a testament to the quality and scope of services the APA provides its members and the recognition brings great pride to the association’s staff, board, members and external partners.

the word budget pictured in typeface and setting as if from a dictionary page

Federal Budget lays foundations to deliver high-value care

The first Federal Budget delivered this week by the Labor Government puts the right economic outcome above a political one and sets Australia back on a path to reforming the health system.

A male physiotherapist is standing up, smiling and touching the shoulder of a male patient who is sitting upright on a treatment table, looking at, and smiling back at the physiotherapist. The patient has a prosthetic leg.

NDIS pricing should be about quality, outcomes and sustainability not a race to the bottom

The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) represents a key workforce of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) service providers and welcomes the priority the new government is placing on representation and reform of the scheme, to restore it to its founding promise: choice and control for participants.

The image shows a young woman clutching at her lower back in pain

Chronic low back pain is common and often complex – physio can help

Chronic low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide¹. The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is drawing attention to the condition and providing guidance on how physiotherapy can help.